Saturday, February 6, 2010

Theory Mock Exam Highway Code (UK): Which Type Of Sign Tells You NOT To Do Something?

Highway Code (UK): Which type of sign tells you NOT to do something? - theory mock exam

The answer is a round red sign I was testing the wrong question to mock theory can someone explain to me what I see is a sure sign that does not matter, and give the red circular mark orders as to what .. ?.

please explain

Thank you.


Britblok... said...

For example, the red circle "30" did not tell him exceed the speed limit on 30th

I prefer the term "order", as you say it. Is this a test hole DSA? Otherwise, some simulation tests are clearly doubtful!

"isitme" said...

You probably have checked the sign of the "transfer" all the signs circular red "

I know that "Red Circle", the answer is, what I said.

Circular signs are regulatory in nature, a red circle or red circle is a prohibition (negative) of teaching, a blue circle is a positive result (compulsory) education.

Does the other options on the issue of knowing exactly where you went wrong, but if one of the options is only a sign "round", it would be wrong.

The source that I mention is the book where I give information. The book is called "Know Your Signs" and is published by the Office of the British crown, also known as HMSO.

Chris A said...

there are not many characters in a peaceful manner that does not mean "do", but no sign of the red circle and that is basically "a sign of order while a triangle is a warning
and a top speed is limited to them, or not bring) to right (with a cross, which does not mean a right turn signs are in order.

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