Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dachshund Sleeping On Beds How Long Should A 4 Month Old Dachshund Puppy Sleep At Night?

How long should a 4 month old Dachshund puppy sleep at night? - dachshund sleeping on beds

My grandmother makes you sleep at 5 clock and stand at 7 clock she sleeps in the laundry


Shar Pei Lady said...

Eight hours in the night is long enough time for a sleep.II dog can not believe in just 4 months, he holds his pee long.That that 's 10 hours .. almost 50% of dogs life.She will end with a Lazy Dog is maintained grease routine.WHy until she wanted a dog does not seem to receive? (Sorry, I call it like I see it .. it is the dog in the bed 5 hour before a normal dog to go to bed .. and most of the dogs for a period to have the bathroom just before sunset at the end of 10 or so)

Lala said...

The dogs sleep when they need it, and if they do not eat or strange role, then there is nothing to fear. Puppies sleep longer because they have more power, not what they think they are doing, and he is right amounts of sleep. Hope this helps!

~Honeysu... said...

My dachshund is usually in bed by 10 every time clock and wake up. In general, approximately 7 hours. But I would say that you give your dog sausage like a dream. In addition to, dachshund dog, or sleep, much material. Mina still sleeps during the day.

RonD said...

I have 2 Mini Doxie, two brothers, 2 years. He remained at least 10 hours every night since they were 12 weeks old. This has no time "with Dad back in his chair."

Euphie said...

Since puppies sleep worrying about him not

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